How to say ‘Get up early’ in Spanish

Transcript of the video lesson:

Hey, this is Joel from http// In this lesson I want to explain how you can say “to get up early” in Spanish.

Now this is a little bit different from saying “to wake up early” just like in English. So if you wake up early, all it means is that your eyes open, but you could still stay in bed for hours.

The Spanish word for to wake up is “despertarse.” So, we’re not going to focus on that. We’re going to focus on “to get up early.” To get up is “levantarse” and “early” is “temprano.” So you can say, “levantarse temprano,” but there’s a special verb that literally means “to get up early.” It’s “madrugar.”

So, I’m going to give you some examples using the verb “madrugar” and using “levantarse temprano.”

“Ya me voy a dormer, tengo que madrugar” – I’m going to go to sleep now. I have to get up early.

“Mi papá siempre madruga para ir a trabajo” – My dad always gets up early to go to work.

“Yo madrugaba mucho cuando iba a la universidad” – I got up early a lot when I was going to the university.

And now for “levantarse”:

“A veces es difícil levantarme temprano” – Sometimes It’s hard for me to get up early.

Or you can say, “Él casi nunca se levanta temprano” – He almost never gets up early.

Alright, I hope that these examples helped you and that you can using the verb ¨madrugar” or if you want to you can use “levantarse temprano.” They both work just fine.

Don’t forget to visit my website for more lessons, my mp3 conversational course, and native Spanish speakers who you can practice your Spanish with. Alright, thanks for watching.

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