Transcript of the video lesson:
Hey, this is Joel from In this lesson, I want to talk about the difference between the words “mancha” and “cicatriz.”
“Mancha” is usually translated as a mark, a stain or a spot. It’s basically just a change in color. It can be on your skin, on a wall, on your clothes. So, it’s not the result of something painful, just a change in color.
“Cicatriz” is usually translated as a scar. This is the result of something painful, such as a cut, surgery, or some kind of wound and after it heals it leaves a scar.
So that’s the difference between the two words. Now, we can use the words “dejar” or “quedar” for both of these words.
So, I can say, “Dejó una mancha” or “Quedó una mancha.” It’s basically saying it left a mark or it left a stain. With “cicatriz,” it’s the same. “Dejó una cicatriz” or “Quedó una cicatriz” – “It left a scar.”
We can also use the verbs “manchar” and “cicatrizar.” I can say, “Manchó la camisa” – “It stained the shirt.” Or, “Después de la cirujia, cicatrizó mi herida”. Roughly translated, this would be, “After the surgery, my wound scared.”
I hope that this was helpful for you and that now you can distinguish between the two words. And don’t forget to check out my website for more lessons, my mp3 conversational course for download, and native Spanish speakers who you can practice your Spanish with and improve quickly. Thanks for watching.